Is React Native still relevant in 2024?

React Native has been a big player since Facebook unleashed it in 2015. But as we zoom through 2025, developers and businesses are wondering: is React Native still relevant? Let’s dig into the facts and see what’s really going on.

What’s up with React Native now that we have Flutter?

React Native burst onto the scene with a bold promise: write once, run anywhere. This idea of creating apps for both iOS and Android with one codebase got developers excited. Fast forward to 2024, and React Native is still turning heads.

Here’s a surprise: Flutter, Google’s creation, has taken the lead in 2024. A recent research by Statista shows Flutter is the top among cross-platform mobile frameworks, with 46% of developers giving it a thumbs up. React Native isn’t far behind though, holding strong at 32%. 

Let’s figure out what benefits keep its positions so strong, what React Native tools, editors, libraries, and IDEs help you make the most out of React Native, and what upgrades will make it maintain its position as the #1 option.

Why React Native Is still a big deal

So why is React Native still in the game? Here are a few reasons:

  • Time and cost savings.

You can reuse over 90% of your code for both Android and iOS. It’s like getting two apps for the price of one.

  • Constant upgrades and support.

Meta keeps rolling out updates based on developer feedback. It’s like having a product that actually listens to you.

  • Enables great performance.

React Native apps can run almost as smoothly as fully native ones. It’s the best of both worlds.

  • Amazing success cases.

When you hear that Facebook, Instagram, and even Skype are using React Native, you know it’s not just hype. 

  • Easier learning curve.

React Native’s use of JavaScript is like speaking a common language in the dev world. Web developers jump into React Native without learning a new lingo, unlike Flutter’s Dart language.

Best tools for React Native in 2024

Let’s dive deeper into the additional tools that have great usability and compatibility with this solution. 

Editors and IDEs as your canvas

Every app starts with a blank screen and a blinking cursor. For React Native developers, that screen often belongs to Visual Studio Code. This editor is equipped with extensions that make coding smooth. From catching errors to formatting code, VS Code has got your back.

But if you want something more intuitive, WebStorm is worth a look. It’s like having a co-pilot that completes your code and spots errors on the fly.

For a more error-free experience, React Native Debugger is a good choice. This standalone app integrates React, Redux, and Chrome devtools to cover your needs for on-the-fly bug fixing.

AI React Native enhancers

The ability to communicate with your codebase can be priceless. AI chatbots for React Native can help you tackle complex queries and even write snippets.

But why stop at chatting? You can use Workik AI as your personal code generator. Workik AI can turn your UI designs into functional React Native code. And if you’re into voice control, Alan AI Platform lets you add voice commands to your apps.

Quality control and analytics

With great code comes great responsibility to keep it clean and integrable with the app’s architecture. That’s where ESLint and Prettier enter the scene. They keep your code clean and consistent.

Flipper and Reactotron give you a real-time look at your app’s performance. And even more, SonarQube scans your entire codebase for bugs and vulnerabilities.

When it comes to testing, Detox and Appium simulate real user interactions across different devices, ensuring your app can be let out into the market. Jest and Enzyme have similar functionality, also helping you write and run tests faster and more easily. 

And to understand your users, tools like Firebase Analytics, Amplitude, and Mixpanel track user behavior and help you make data-driven decisions.

Libraries that boost productivity

Libraries like React Navigation help you create smooth user flows, while Redux keeps your app’s state in check. It’s like having a map and a personal organizer for your app. NativeBase is another treasure chest of pre-built UI components, offering customizable elements that follow platform-specific guidelines.

Last but not least, there’s the Belt CLI Tool sets up your entire development environment with a single command, complete with all the essentials. 

Having such personal assistants who preps your workspace can really boost your productivity and help you focus on the important things and not the routine of preparation.

What’s next for React Native?

2024 has been an exciting year for React Native developers. The release of React Native 0.75 brought some game-changing improvements to the table. This update has given a significant boost to the framework’s capabilities for both Android and iOS development.

One of the stars of this update is Yoga 3.1, the refreshed layout engine. It gives a better control over how elements are arranged on the screen. It’s particularly handy when you’re dealing with different screen sizes and orientations.

The future’s also looks bright. A big update called Fabric is on the way, promising to supercharge performance and make React Native even more flexible. 

The bottom line: React Native in 2024

After all this, is React Native still a good bet in 2024? Definitely yes. Its strong community support, continuous improvements, and the backing of tech giants like Meta keep it relevant and powerful.

Same as website development with React JS, mobile development with React Native isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It’s evolved, adapted, and continues to be a solid choice for cross-platform mobile development in 2024 and beyond.